If you want you can send your donations to the current bank account of the parish in a Norwegian bank.
We would like to remind our donators that in 2012 was opened a special banks account to collect donations to build of an Orthodox temple in Bergen. We ask to transfer your donations to build the temple to the our banks account with label “for kirkebygg”
All of our benefactors, they send money in 2017 to the banks account of the parish and more than 500 NOK, according to Norwegian law, have the right to fradrag (tax deductible).
When transferring donations, you can specify the names those for whom you would like to pray for the Divine Liturgy. All donators who have made a donation to the temple, entered in the synodic for eternal remembrance in the church.
Om du vil registrere dine gaver til Kristi Åpenbaringsmenighet som skattefrie gaver må du fylle ut dette skjema: Skattefrie gaver
Since March 2017 the parish has also had a WIPPs account
Our account number in the VIPPS system is 93525